11 Foods that improve Sex Drive

11 Foods that improve Sex Drive

If you find when you are in bed with your partner, you do not rise up to the occasion (pun intended), despite the fact that you have not made love in a long while, it may be time to consider if things are going the way they should. In place of buying up all the stocks of Viagra at the local chemists, you can consider these foods which will help you to get in the right mood and frame of mind for sex.

  1. Black Raspberries: the blackberry as well as its seed is a very potent agent to get you into a playful mood in bed. It is recommended to have a handful of them a day to keep away the bedroom blues. Black raspberries are rich in phytochemicals, and this enhances both libido as well as sexual endurance, which is a must for keeping your partner satisfied. 10 black raspberries or 1 tablespoon of seeds is the daily recommended dosage.
  2. Broccoli: Broccoli is high in vitamin C content, and this boosts your bedroom performance. Vitamin C helps in circulation of blood, and whether raw, sautéed or boiled, it increases female libido quite by a bit.
  3. Cloves: It is rightly considered to be a sex super-food. You can consume it as an accessory in a main dish or even have it with chai. Indians have been using cloves to treat male sexual dysfunction for many centuries. It increases the blood flow and leaves you energetic.
  4. Figs:Figs enhances stamina and we recommend that both of you include figs in your diets. They are very good fertility stimulants, and they increase the secretions of pheromones, which are essential to making you seem attractive and sexy. A daily consumption of 5 figs is recommended.
  5. Watermelon: If you are looking for an everyday libido booster, a watermelon is one of the best solutions. Though 92% of it is water, the remaining 8% is packed full of vital nutrients for improved sexual health. These ingredients deliver Viagra-like effects to the male penis and increase libido. A phytonutrient present in watermelon, called citrulline, is converted to arginine in the body, and it is a type of amino acid that increase the nitric acid levels in the body, which have the same relaxing effects on blood vessels as Viagra. Consider a slice of watermelon the next time you want to get active in bed.
  6. Nuts: You may be surprised, but nuts are also a very good solution to improving the quality of your sex life. Being high in protein, which gives stamina, nuts are low in calories, so a mouthful can be consumed each day without much worry. Nuts are also a good provider of the amino acid L-arginine, which fights erectile dysfunction quite efficiently.
  7. Ginseng: Ginseng supplements are responsible for increasing libido in more than 70% of people who take them and improve overall sex life markedly. There are many ginseng flavored teas available in the market, and you can try them to have a good time in bed.
  8. Saffron: Though it is a bit pricey, saffron can do wonders for your sex life it has been floundering. Soak saffron threads in a hot liquid like milk for about 15 minutes, and then drink it. Alternatively it can also be infused in a liquid and then added to grains like quinoa, rice, or barley, or made into a stew.
  9. Lettuce: Not many people know this but lettuce contains an opiate that helps to activate sex hormones in the body. You could include lettuce in your diet in the form of a salad with oil and vinegar. Have it at dinnertime and you can expect action at night.
  10. Ginger: Long used by Indians for its medicinal purposes, ginger also helps in circulation temperature adjustment and mucoid detoxification, and is a libido increaser. It can be taken raw or in its supplement form as well. Expect fireworks when you have ginger in the system.
  11. Beetroot: by consuming beetroot juice, you can also address erectile dysfunction issues. The nitrates present in beetroot juices help in improved blood flow to the penile organ and also help to sustain an erection longer. Now you will not have a valid reason for choosing the television over your bewitching beloved.
  12. Avocado: Though ignored, avocado is a great stamina booster and improves libido.  The high level of folic acid present in avocado boosts stamina and enhances testosterone production.

These sexual supplements are all readily available in the market and stores, and you do not have to run high and dry for them. Moreover, they are affordable and well within the reach of the average person. Try them out in rotation because there are enough foods in the above list to satisfy even the most diversity driven person.

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